OK, so I finally got the interwebs at my place. Combine that with the fact that the last two weeks has been a chaotic chain of event after event, and your result is about 500 pictures and a few videos finally being posted online. In an attempt to retain some sort of order, I'll link to everything from here.
First, I added a few from our last days in Târgoviște (with a couple from swear-in mixed in).
Then, we have a new catch-all album with everything from my site, including a photo tour of my apartment (to go along with the video one from before). I also tagged along on my first two-day field trip with the kids, which was exhausting but a blast.
The circus also came to town, which was everything I could have dreamed, and more. Here's a video of the DOG SHOW!, set to sweet techno music and with added crowd effects, because I was bored one night.
I also got to go to my first Romanian wedding (nuntă), which was a blast. Here are those, along with a short video of them singing "La Mulți Ani" at the ceremony. I had never heard the full version, the second half of which is featured here; we've always sung the abbreviated version. Casa de Piatră to my lovely gazda sister and her new husband, Luchian!
Finally, there's a buttload of photos from when our school hosted a group of Belgian kids for 10 days. It was a whirlwind tour of the area, which couldn't have worked out better for me, since I got to see a lot of the places I'd want to see anyway in my first two weeks at site. We also hiked to Piatra Roșie (Red Rock), a 1,200-meter peak overlooking our town. Although I got a bunch of photos that are in the album, I also got a short video pan from the top.
As you can probably tell by my media onslaught, I'm spending today chillaxing and getting caught up. This interweb thing sure is neat.
Happy browsing.
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